Privacy policy

1. Controller

Kasvu Partners Helsinki Oy (and other Group companies included in this statement as “Kasvu Partners Helsinki Oy”)

address: Keilaniementie 1, 02150 Espoo
tel.: +358 40 682 1101
business Id 2840887-6
place of residence: Espoo

2. Contact person managing the register

Antti Paussu
+358 40 709 0302

3. Name of the register

Kasvu Partners Helsinki Oy’s customer and marketing register.

4. Purpose of processing personal data

Personal data is processed as part of the customer register for customer relationship management and communication concerning Kasvu Partners Helsinki Oy’s training/coaching/events, and other services of Kasvu Partners Helsinki Oy, as well as targeted marketing of Kasvu Partners Helsinki Oy’s products and services. Personal data may, among other things, be uploaded directly to enabled marketing tools when permitted with legal justification or based on the data subject’s consent.

5. Data content of the register and ordinary data sources

The group of registrants consists, for example, of participants in trainings, coaching and other events carried out/organised by Kasvu Partners Helsinki Oy, and download/order/registration data made through the online services of Kasvu Partners Helsinki Oy. We only store personal data on adult (18-yr and older) persons. Any personal data on minors (under 18 years of age) will be removed from our register as soon as we receive information on the matter.

The data gathered in the customer and marketing register:

  • Contact information, such as first name, last name, email address, phone number
  • Job-related information, such as work tasks, area of responsibility
  • Contact and background information of the employer company
  • Participation and user data related to coaching or other events, products and services organised by Kasvu Partners Helsinki Oy
  • Customer relationship data (e.g., contacts, appointments, etc.)
  • Permits and consents, if any
  • Any other information collected with the consent of an individual (e.g., dietary information related to the catering of events).

We monitor the use of our websites with cookies and, based on the cookies, the marketing register stores:

  • Data on the use of the website (e.g., the time when and from where a visitor arrived at the website, the pages visited and the duration of the visit)
  • Data on marketing materials ordered and downloaded by the website user (e.g. which material, what time)
  • Data on the sending, opening, and clicking of marketing messages.
  • In addition, based on the analytics of these cookies and usage data (roaming and activity), data is created and collected on an individual’s interests and lead scoring for targeted marketing.

Customer/personal data is obtained through a customer relationship, from the website of Kasvu Partners Helsinki Oy (forms/ registrations), by email or other means, and from publicly available sources. The collection of this information is carried out through the online technologies at our disposal, as a result of the visitors’ own activities and from third-party services/data sources.

  • Notifications made by a registered company or person (oral, written, online activities). Please note that information can only be reported on behalf of another person with their consent.
  • Controller’s inquiries from the company or representative of the public body
  • Publications (the customer company’s own published information, e.g. on websites)
  • Public registers (trade register)
  • Registry data to be purchased on the market (companies selling registry data)
  • Media (newspapers and magazines)
  • Other publications (databases, information published on the Internet)
  • Other information provided by a person.

6. Ordinary disclosures of data

Data of the customer and marketing register of Kasvu Partners Helsinki Oy will not be disclosed to third parties, unless separately agreed upon with the customer or customer company in connection with the implementation of the training/coaching and/or development project. Personal data is never sold to third parties.

Our partners who process personal data and/or have technical access to the systems we use as a service provider include Microsoft, HubSpot, Google.

In potential situations in which, Kasvu Partners Helsinki Oy, as the controller, transfers personal data when outsourcing the processing of personal data to, for example, an accounting firm and companies providing marketing, expense and invoicing services, these companies shall process personal data on behalf of the controller without the right to process the data independently. An agreement on the processing of personal data (DPA) is always made with these third parties.

Personal data shall not be transferred outside the European Union or the European Economic Area unless it is necessary for the technical implementation of the service. Even then, Kasvu Partners Helsinki Oy, as the controller, will ensure an adequate level of data protection as required by data protection legislation.

7. Principles of registry protection

The data shall be stored in electronic form in a cloud-based CRM that is protected with strong passwords and two-factor authentication. The stored data shall only be used by employees of Kasvu Partners Helsinki Oy and authorised persons, who are bound by confidentiality.

8. Retention period for data

We store personal data, in general, for as long as it is justified for the delivery of our products and/or services and/or in accordance with current legislation (Finland, EU). Such as

  • Participation data on trainings, coaching and other events will be retained for seven (7) years.
  • Analyses, tests or other materials related to training, coaching and other events shall be stored for a maximum of one (1) year after the end of the events and/or development programme.
  • Visitor data on our websites and services is stored for a maximum of three (3) years.
  • Consent to the use of personal data for marketing purposes shall remain valid until it is withdrawn.

9. Right of inspection and prohibition

The customer has the right to inspect the personal data concerning them in our registers. The customer has the right to demand rectification of incorrect data, the right to prohibit the processing of personal data concerning them in marketing and, otherwise, to rely on the rights protected by the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation and the Finnish Personal Data Act, including the right to lodge a complaint concerning the processing of personal data with the supervisory authority. At the customer’s request, we shall rectify, delete or supplement personal data that is incorrect, unnecessary, incomplete or outdated for the purpose of processing the customer and marketing register. Written contact requests shall be sent to the contact person of the register, by e-mail or by post (see section 2).